Tony Thornton
Tony Thornton became the Senior Minister in March 2020. He and his wife, Camille, moved to Mississippi from their home state of Kansas. He received his training for ministry from Manhattan Christian College, Manhattan, KS as well as Asbury Seminary’s Beeson Institute for Advanced Christian Leaders and was ordained in October 1983. He has worked with congregations in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New York.
Tony and Camille have 5 children between them and 13 (almost 14) grandchildren! They enjoy traveling to visit family as well as an occasional cruise in the Caribbean. They enjoy sharing many ministry tasks such as hospital or pastoral visits.
Tony hasn’t decided yet if he is a Mississippi State or Ole Miss fan. He is very sure about his love of the University of Kansas basketball and the World Champion KC Chiefs football! He and Camille look forward to becoming a part of the Itawamba Christian Church and Fulton communities.”